
Our son had his second play therapy session at home earlier. The goal for the six-weeks is to get him to explore more textures to improve his sensory issues mainly. But also help with social communication and all the other areas he needs support with. He did so extraordinarily well today, I am so proud of him. He didn't even want to touch the flour at first and by the end he was so calm with it and practically swimming in the stuff.

At the beginning of the appointment I had to answer some questions so that his referral to be assessed by the multi-disciplinary team (for autism) can be processed. I got a bit emotional when at the end, the health visitor asked what my greatest concerns were. I said... "Well, everything else that we just talked about. All of those issues."

I'm not going to stop myself from feeling all the emotions I am feeling right now. What are they? I am overwhelmed, so happy that after over a year and a half since I noticed something was off, and I pursued to have him seen... and even when the professionals were gaslighting me... that we are at this point. We are at a turning point where he is now being referred and his delays being addressed.

No one was going to stand up for my little boy but me.

2021-12-01.1:58 p.m.
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